Energy demand is expected to grow by more than 2 percent annually through 2030 due to the electricity demands of our growing global population. Renewable energy sources – like solar and wind – are helping to augment the need to build additional power plants thereby reducing our carbon footprint and dependence on fossil fuels. Energy storage solutions help to make these renewable energy resources viable and lithium-ion energy storage solutions offer unique benefits.
In addition, more companies are using lithium-ion energy storage solutions for critical equipment, facility and data center back-up, while utilities are embracing the technology for their peak shaving and load balancing needs.
- Renewable Integration
- Microgrids /Mini Grids
- T & D Deferrals
- Demand Charge Reduction
- Frequency Regulation
- Backup Power
- Self-Consumption Optimization
- Peak shaving (RLM & phys.)
- Back-up power
- Charging station control
- PV diesel hybrid optimization
- Off-grid
- Ancillary services

sanvaru battery storage application
Sanvaru energy storage solutions are used worldwide to help power offgrid/remote and island states and geographies with 100% renewable energy and integration coupled with BESS, provide backup power for critical facilities, help our customers and strategic partner and nations to reduce their electricity bills, provide ancillary services to utilities to support the grid, create reliable and secure microgrids where utility grids do not exist or where there is power outage of more than four hours, and better integrate clean solar and wind energy, hydro power, Biomass and Biogas and other RET into the electric grid.

Discharge stored energy at times of peak demand to avoid or reduce utility demand charges.

Shift energy consumption from one point in time to another to avoid paying high energy prices

Provide seamless backup power to your facility in the event of a grid interruption. This function can be standalone or tied to solar, wind or diesel gen sets.

Discharge instantly in response to signals from a demand response administrator to alleviate peaks in system load.

Maximize the value of renewable assets by storing excess power for later use.

Increase renewable power plant capacity factor to increase revenues.

Smooth and firm the output of a renewable power generation source such as wind or solar.

Build a localized grid where no utility grid is available or disconnect from the main power grid operating independently in the event of an emergency.
Whether it’s on-grid or off-grid, combined with renewable or conventional energy sources, a way to increase self-consumption, for peak load shaving, as a backup in power failures or for a cost-optimized charging station infrastructure: our broad portfolio of innovative, high-performance energy storage systems offers a whole host of potential applications for varied wide range of sectors. All our solutions prioritize high levels of economic efficiency, safety, and a long service life.

Charge or discharge instantly to provide frequency regulation, voltage control, and spinning reserve services to the utility grid.

Supply power and energy capacity at a distributed location to defer or eliminate the need to upgrade aging grid infrastructure.

Provide power and energy capacity to the grid as a standalone asset.
Energy Storage
Reliability and safety for today's renewable energy applications and beyond for conscious & responsible future
With proven experience in designing, manufacturing and installing energy storage systems for a variety of residential, commercial and industrial applications, Sanvaru Li3 +Â energy storage systems provide greater reliability, scalability and efficiency compared to other battery-based solutions.
Our Li3 +Â energy storage systems can be used for a variety of applications, including:
- Peak shaving
- Frequency regulation
- Bulk energy storage
- Renewable energy storage
- Sub-station equipment back-up
- Micro-grids
- Community energy storage
- Residential back-up and storage