Sanvaru Technology

our solutions

Utility Grid

Behind The Meter

DC/AC Coupled

Integrated Systems

Energy Storage Financing

Containerized Energy Storage Solution

We design and manufactures safe, high performance, lightweight and durable Energy Storage System (ESS) using recycled batteries for a closed-loop integrated process with a focus on clean and renewable energy. A fully Integrated 360 Degree Approach towards the values chain and Sustainable development. 

Black Start

Restoring an electric power station to operate without external electric power transmission network to recover from a total or partial shutdown.

Peak Saving

Saving maximum demand by delivering power to the load and restoring energy to ESS during the off-peak periods to save huge electricity costs.

Frequency Regulation

Rapid response time and emission free operation in restoring the balance between energy supply and demand in the grid system.

EV Charging

Sanvaru’s ESS can be integrated with on/off grid renewables to provide back up and power for EV charging, reducing load on local grid systems.


Upgrading to Lithium Batteries
Thinking about making the switch to lithium but unsure of what's needed? We're discussing things to consider when upgrading to lithium batteries.

Change for Good! Go for Great!

SANVARU is well positioned to take advantage of the fastest growing energy storage market segments